Cybersecurity Assessment

Determine the current IT risks for your San Diego business.

Is your company at risk for cybersecurity breaches?

Our assessment provides you with a comprehensive analysis of your company’s data security. Don’t let your business fall victim to ransomware, data breaches, or network security exploits. Excedeo’s cybersecurity assessment will identify IT vulnerabilities—and provide solutions—to keep your San Diego business protected.

Components of Assessment

Detect Domain Controllers

Identifies Domain Controllers and Online status

FSMO Role Analysis

Enumerates FSMO roles at the site

Enumerate Organization Units and Security Groups

Lists the Organizational units and Security Groups with member

User Analysis

List of users in AD, status, and last login/use, which helps identify potential security risks

Detect Local Mail Servers

Mail server(s) found on the network

Detect Time Servers

Time server(s) found on the network

Discover Network Shares

Comprehensive list of Network Shares by Server

Detect Major Applications

Major apps / versions and count of installations

Web Server Discovery and Identification

List of web servers and type

System by System Event Log Analysis

Last 5 System and App Event Log errors for servers

Detailed Domain Controller Event Log Analysis

List of event log entries from the past 24 hours for the Directory Service, DNS Server and File Replication Service event logs

Network Discovery for Non-A/D Devices

List of Non-Active Directory devices responding to network requests

SQL Server Analysis

List of SQL Servers and associated database(s)

Internet Domain Analysis

WHOIS check for company domain(s)

Password Strength Analysis

Uses MBSA to identify computers with weak passwords that may pose a security risk

Missing Security Updates

Uses MBSA to identify computers missing security updates

Internet Access and Speed Test

Test of internet access and performance

External Security Vulnerabilities

List of Security Holes and Warnings from External Vulnerability Scan